Monday, 17 January 2011

Evalution Activity 2- How does your media product represent particular social groups?

           -Young girl from my opening sequence                -Young girl from 'Prom Night'

I have chosen Brittany Snow as a similar character to my character. They are both teenagers and both being watched/followed and maybe killed by an unknown character. They both live happy, popular lives but have the same problem, someone is after them and they have no idea why. They are both pretty girls. There is a scene in prom night when Brittany snow is in the bedroom and the killer is in there with her, the same as my opening scene the young girl  is being watched.

As with all the similarities comes with differences, for example, the story plot is different, the girl in 'Prom Night' is at a hotel not at home. Also, for the majority of the 'Prom Night' film the girl is in her prom dress, whereas the girl in my film is in her pajamas for all of it.

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